Unlike many other states, Florida does not have a formal process in which a couple can legally separate. If a couple needs a court to help them unwind their lives together and move forward individually, the legal channel for doing that is a divorce. There are many...

A Civil Approach To Florida Family Law
What do Florida supreme court certified family law mediators do?
If you are going through a divorce or a family dispute in Florida, you may have heard of mediation as an alternative to litigation. Mediation is a process where a neutral, third-party mediator helps you communicate and negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution. In...
Understanding how collaborative divorce works in Florida
Most Florida divorces involve more than a little stress. Members of the Florida bar, aware of this fact, have long sought ways to minimize the stress and anxiety faced by both parties to a divorce. One of the major alternatives to a traditional divorce is...
Using mediation to resolve divorce disputes
When you and your spouse decide to divorce, there may be several issues that need to be resolved before it can be finalized. You may choose to participate in mediation, which is a process where a neutral third party, called a mediator, can help you and your spouse...
Does Florida treat digital and hard assets differently?
Digital assets include intangible assets that only exist online or on electronic devices, like email accounts, online business, cryptocurrencies, digital photographs, social media accounts, etc. These are different from hard assets, which are tangible and physical,...
What are the three things I should avoid in a divorce?
As you likely already know, Florida has unique laws, and divorce is no different. This can make divorce challenging here. However here are three things you should avoid to protect your rights and interests in a divorce. Do not file for divorce without meeting the...
Understanding spousal support
Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be a complex topic to address during divorce. The court can award it to either spouse. There are several factors the court may consider in deciding the amount that should be paid and for how long. Spousal support overview...
How should you deal with sentimental assets in your divorce?
As you navigate your divorce, you’re likely to find yourself facing serious property division considerations. While the outcome of this process can shape your financial stability for years to come, it can also be difficult to navigate given the emotional attachments...
Divorce and your retirement accounts
For many people, one of the biggest fears in a divorce involves losing financial stability. Divorce involves dividing your marital property and this can include your retirement accounts. Marital property is generally any property that was acquired during your...
Can we agree on waiving child support in Florida?
While some Florida divorces are decided by courts, most are decided by the spouses themselves -- typically after extensive negotiation. If you and your spouse are in the process of discussing dividing your marital property and your child custody duties, can you also...