Digital assets include intangible assets that only exist online or on electronic devices, like email accounts, online business, cryptocurrencies, digital photographs, social media accounts, etc. These are different from hard assets, which are tangible and physical,...

A Civil Approach To Florida Family Law
Marital Property Division
How does financial infidelity escalate conflict during divorce?
Financial infidelity occurs whenever one partner is dishonest with the other about money. This could include everything from spending without the other partner’s knowledge to having a secret credit card or properties. The issue is serious and is one of the top causes...
Untangling marital and separate assets in a Florida divorce
There are massive financial implications to divorce. You’ll have to address issues pertaining to alimony and child support, but your property division dispute may be the most important matter confronting you. After all, the amount of marital assets that you obtain...
First responders and spousal support
People from all walks of life and people who work in all industries are divorced or are divorcing as we speak. In many cases, a divorcing couple will have an amicable situation and they will come to an agreement on many things, but there are many cases when the terms...
Must property be divided after a common-law marriage?
There are different types of relationships between couples in the United States. If a couple wishes to get married, they need to obtain a marriage license and have a certified person perform the ceremony. However, there are many couples who have never gotten married...
What is separate property under Florida law?
Under Florida law, separate property is termed “nonmarital assets and liabilities”. These are property and liabilities that an individual may keep as their own, or may be responsible to pay on their own, when they leave their marriage through divorce. The...
Valuing marital property is a key part of divorce
Divorcing couples in Florida should know that the judge will not necessarily divide everything 50-50 between the soon-to-be exes. Under Florida’s equitable distribution laws, courts are required to divide up any marital property in a ‘fair and equitable’ manner. While...
Options for the family home in a Florida divorce
When a Florida couple decides to get a divorce, they often have many important things they need to work through. One of the more contentious issues a couple can encounter is property division. How important and valuable property is divided between the couple is one of...
Are pets considered property when Florida couples divorce?
Your pet a treasured member of the family, providing a sense of purpose and unconditional love. So, when pet parents divorce determining what to do with the family pet can be an emotional experience. The following is an overview of how Florida law addresses pet...
Yours, mine, and ours: Dividing property during a Florida divorce
It can take years for a Florida couple to earn and save enough money for a home. As they work and plan for their future, they may build a solid portfolio of investments, both tangible and intangible, in addition to the home where they raise their family. Between their...